Welcome to Travel Team 2024! We're excited to share with you vital information about your teammates and schedule here, including locations.
Game Day Info - Equipment Needs, Drop-offs, Pickups, Spectators
Travel Team Booklet - Rules, coaching tips and singles and doubles strategy
Team Links - Weekly Lineups, Rosters, Team Schedules
Game Day Info
Equipment Our coaches' recommendations for equipment and options to replenish your supply quickly. Find it here.
Please arrive at least twenty minutes before match time for a proper physical warm-up. Warm-ups are independent and will take place outdoors, as players cannot enter the building or hit on the courts before match time this year. Please be sure to dress warm for outdoor warm-ups.
Coaches will greet the players at match time indoors, so parents dropping off players should plan to check in with the coach then.
Players are required to stay the entirety of the tie, not merely their match if it finishes early, in order to foster a team atmosphere, see the tie's overall outcome, and receive notes from the coach.
Same-Day Changes
Good sportsmanship begins with commitment to our team and our opponent who are counting on you to play. In the unlikely event that you are ill or injured, please call Michael and your coach on site. It will result in a default for the entire tie, not just your match.
In-match coaching is allowed this year. This means the league is effecting a captains-only mandate on the court. No spectators are allowed on court, and no one except the Tennis Central captain may coach the players.
Some locations have viewing areas from which spectators can watch the match.
Coaches' Contact Information
Ignacio: 240-223-7913
Sofia: 630-229-7102
Patrick: 303-507-3428
Marcos: 669-240-9246
Julianna: 731-444-1215
Franck: 317-746-4428
Lwazi: 571-205-7193
Asel: 202-629-6993
Angel: 252-266-9336
Michael: 610-639-2251
Alexis: 240-586-2374
Olivia: 202-841-9114
Yann: 202-255-7754
18U Advanced - Set Point Strikers
Sloan Quint
Daphne Dunlap
Caroline Peterson
Hazel Fontenot
Daniela Corona Shturman
With usually five players on a team, and only four playing positions each match, we rotate players who must sit out each week. When possible we line this up with when you are unavailable to play. You can apply to play as a substitute on another team if you like; bench players have priority to play as a sub.
Coaches will determine the playing order on site.
Week 1 Lineup: Jan 13, at 5:30 pm, at Manor, v TC Serve Savages
Sloan Quint
Daphne Dunlap
Caroline Peterson
Hazel Fontenot
Daniela Corona Shturman - on call
Week 2 Lineup: Jan 20, 2:30 pm, Manor, v MN18U
Sloan Quint
Caroline Peterson
Hazel Fontenot
Daniela Corona Shturman
Daphne Dunlap - on call
Week 3 Lineup: Jan 27, 6:30 pm, Wheaton, v BTA All Stars
Caroline Peterson
Hazel Fontenot
Daniela Corona Shturman
Daphne Dunlap
Sloan Quint - on call
Week 4 Lineup: Feb 4, 6:30 pm, Wheaton, v Aces
Caroline Peterson
Daniela Corona Shturman
Daphne Dunlap
Sloan Quint
Hazel Fontenot - unavailable
Week 5 Lineup: Feb 10, Wheaton, 3:30 pm, v TC Court Crushers
Sloan Quint
SUB Ilan Faraci
SUB Jack Mearns
SUB Solly Ravitz
Hazel Fontenot - unavailable
Daniela Corona Shturman - unavailable
Daphne Dunlap - unavailable
Caroline Peterson - unavailable
Week 6: Feb 18
Caroline Peterson
Daniela Corona Shturman
Daphne Dunlap
SUB Austin Medina
Sloan Quint - unavailable
Hazel Fontenot - unavailable
Week 7: Feb 24
Caroline Peterson
Daniela Corona Shturman - unavailable
Daphne Dunlap
Sloan Quint
Hazel Fontenot
Week 8: Mar 2
Caroline Peterson - on call
Daniela Corona Shturman
Daphne Dunlap
Sloan Quint
Hazel Fontenot
Week 9: Mar 9
Caroline Peterson
Daniela Corona Shturman
Daphne Dunlap - on call
Sloan Quint
Hazel Fontenot
Week 10: BYE
18U Advanced - Serve Savages
Injun Chung
Noah Kim
Solly Ravitz
James Reed
Jack Mearns
With usually five players on a team, and only four playing positions each match, we rotate players who must sit out each week. When possible we line this up with when you are unavailable to play. You can apply to play as a substitute on another team if you like; bench players have priority to play as a sub.
Coaches will determine the playing order on site.
Week 1 Lineup: Jan 13, Manor, 5:30 pm, v TC Set Point Strikers
Injun Chung
Noah Kim
Solly Ravitz
Jack Mearns
James Reed - unavailable
Week 2 Lineup: Jan 20, Wheaton, 5 pm, v TC Court Crushers
Injun Chung
Noah Kim
James Reed - injury
Jack Mearns
Solly Ravitz - unavailable
Week 3 Lineup: Jan 27, Manor, 4 pm, v Aces
Injun Chung
Noah Kim
James Reed
Jack Mearns
Solly Ravitz - unavailable
Week 4 Lineup: Feb 3, Manor, 4 pm, v MN18U
Injun Chung
Noah Kim
Solly Ravitz
James Reed
Jack Mearns - on call
Week 5 Lineup: Feb 10, Wheaton, 6:30 pm, v BTA All Stars
Noah Kim
Solly Ravitz
James Reed
Jack Mearns
Injun Chung - unavailable
Week 6: Feb 18
Noah Kim
Solly Ravitz - unavailable
James Reed
Jack Mearns
Injun Chung
Week 7: Feb 24
Noah Kim
Solly Ravitz
James Reed - on call
Jack Mearns
Injun Chung
Week 8: Mar 2
Noah Kim - on call
Solly Ravitz
James Reed
Jack Mearns
Injun Chung
Week 9: Mar 9
Noah Kim - unavailable
Solly Ravitz
James Reed - unavailable
Jack Mearns
Injun Chung
Week 10: BYE
18U Advanced - Court Crushers
Arthur Rosenstein
William Green
Ilan Faraci
Jon Ozenci
Robert Dorros
With usually five players on a team, and only four playing positions each match, we rotate players who must sit out each week. When possible we line this up with when you are unavailable to play. You can apply to play as a substitute on another team if you like; bench players have priority to play as a sub.
Coaches will determine the playing order on site.
Week 1 Lineup: Jan 13, Manor, 4 pm, v Aces
Arthur Rosenstein
Robert Dorros
Daniela Corona Shturman - SUB
Hazel Fontenot - SUB
William Green - unavailable
Ilan Faraci - unavailable
Jon Ozenci - unavailable
Week 2 Lineup: Jan 20, Wheaton, 5 pm, v TC Serve Savages
Arthur Rosenstein
William Green
Ilan Faraci
Jon Ozenci
Robert Dorros - on call
Week 3 Lineup: Jan 28, Manor, 1 pm, v MN18U
Arthur Rosenstein
William Green
Ilan Faraci
Robert Dorros
Jon Ozenci - unavailable
Week 4 Lineup: Feb 4, Wheaton, 3:30 pm, v BTA All Stars
Arthur Rosenstein
Ilan Faraci
Jon Ozenci
Robert Dorros
William Green - unavailable
Week 5 Lineup: Feb 10, Wheaton, 3:30 pm, v TC Set Point Strikers
Arthur Rosenstein
William Green
Jon Ozenci
Robert Dorros
Ilan Faraci - on call
Week 6: Feb 18
Arthur Rosenstein - unavailable
William Green - unavailable
Ilan Faraci - unavailable
Jon Ozenci - unavailable
Robert Dorros
SUB Daniela Corona Shturman
SUB Caroline Peterson
SUB Noah Kim
Week 7: Feb 24
Arthur Rosenstein - unavailable
William Green
Jon Ozenci
Robert Dorros
Ilan Faraci - unavailable
Week 8: Mar 2
Arthur Rosenstein
William Green
Jon Ozenci
Robert Dorros - on call
Ilan Faraci
Week 9: Mar 9
Arthur Rosenstein - unavailable
William Green
Jon Ozenci
Robert Dorros
Ilan Faraci
Week 10: BYE
18U Intermediate - Topspin Titans
Ariana Ipackhi
Ashton Ejtemai
Parsa Seirafi
Olivia Young
Marin Rosenthal
Sami Snow (Alternate)
With usually five players on a team, and only four playing positions each match, we rotate players who must sit out each week. When possible we line this up with when you are unavailable to play. You can apply to play as a substitute on another team if you like; bench players have priority to play as a sub.
Coaches will determine the playing order on site.
Week 1 Lineup: Jan 13, Wheaton, 6:30 pm, v TC Slice Slingers
Ariana Ipackhi
Ashton Ejtemai
Parsa Seirafi
Olivia Young
Marin Rosenthal - unavailable
Sami Snow (Alternate) - unavailable
Week 2 Lineup: BYE
Players are available as substitutes for other teams.
Week 3 Lineup: Jan 28, Manor, 2:30 pm, v TC Panther Poachers
Ariana Ipackhi
Parsa Seirafi
Olivia Young
Marin Rosenthal
Sami Snow (Alternate) - on call
Ashton Ejtemai  - unavailable
Week 4 Lineup: Feb 4, Wheaton, 5 pm, v Team Grey
Parsa Seirafi
Olivia Young
Marin Rosenthal
Ashton Ejtemai
Ariana Ipackhi - on call
Sami Snow (Alternate) - on call
Week 5: Feb 10, Wheaton, 5 pm, v TC Net Ninjas
Parsa Seirafi
Marin Rosenthal
Ashton Ejtemai
Ariana Ipackhi
Olivia Young - on call
Sami Snow (Alternate) - unavailable
Week 6: Feb 17
Parsa Seirafi
Marin Rosenthal
Ashton Ejtemai - unavailable
Ariana Ipackhi
Olivia Young
Sami Snow - unavailable
Week 7: Feb 24
Parsa Seirafi
Marin Rosenthal
Ashton Ejtemai
Ariana Ipackhi - on call
Olivia Young
Sami Snow - on call
Week 8: Mar 3
Parsa Seirafi - on call
Marin Rosenthal
Ashton Ejtemai
Ariana Ipackhi
Olivia Young
Sami Snow - on call
Week 9: Mar 9
Parsa Seirafi
Marin Rosenthal
Ashton Ejtemai
Ariana Ipackhi
Olivia Young - on call
Sami Snow - on call
Week 10: Mar 16
Parsa Seirafi
Marin Rosenthal - on call
Ashton Ejtemai
Ariana Ipackhi
Olivia Young
Sami Snow - on call
18U Intermediate - Slice Slingers
Ella Maruszweski
Emma Dubnansky
Xander Sher
Austin Medina
Raza Kandell
With usually five players on a team, and only four playing positions each match, we rotate players who must sit out each week. When possible we line this up with when you are unavailable to play. You can apply to play as a substitute on another team if you like; bench players have priority to play as a sub.
Coaches will determine the playing order on site.
Week 1 Lineup: Jan 13, Wheaton, 6:30 pm, v TC Topspin Titans
Ella Maruszweski
Austin Medina
Raza Kandell
SUB - Vivian Morris
Emma Dubnansky - unavailable
Xander Sher - unavailable
Week 2 Lineup: Jan 20, Wheaton, 6:30 pm, v TC Panther Poachers
Ella Maruszweski
Emma Dubnansky
Austin Medina
SUB - Marin Rosenthal
Raza Kandell - unavailable
Xander Sher - unavailable
Week 3 Lineup: Jan 28, Wheaton, 6:30 pm, v Team Grey
Ella Maruszweski
Emma Dubnansky
Xander Sher
Raza Kandell
Austin Medina - on call
Week 4 Lineup: Feb 3, Wheaton, 6:30 pm, v TC Net Ninjas
Emma Dubnansky
Xander Sher
Austin Medina
Raza Kandell
Ella Maruszweski - unavailable
Week 5: Feb 10, Wheaton, 5 pm, v TC Baseline Bandits
Ella Maruszweski
Emma Dubnansky
Xander Sher - unavailable
Austin Medina
Raza Kandell - unavailable
Week 6: Feb 17
Emma Dubnansky - unavailable
Xander Sher - unavailable
Austin Medina
Raza Kandell
Ella Maruszweski
Week 7: Feb 25
Emma Dubnansky - unavailable
Xander Sher
Austin Medina
Raza Kandell
Ella Maruszweski
Week 8: Mar 3
Emma Dubnansky
Xander Sher
Austin Medina - unavailable
Raza Kandell
Ella Maruszweski
Week 9: BYE
Week 10: Mar 16
Emma Dubnansky
Xander Sher
Austin Medina
Raza Kandell - on call
Ella Maruszweski
18U Intermediate - Net Ninjas
Sumaer Sarangal
Aidan Berlin
Vivian Morris
Christopher Morris
Sophie Gluck
With usually five players on a team, and only four playing positions each match, we rotate players who must sit out each week. When possible we line this up with when you are unavailable to play. You can apply to play as a substitute on another team if you like; bench players have priority to play as a sub.
Coaches will determine the playing order on site.
Week 1 Lineup: Jan 14, Manor, 2 pm, v Team Fink
Sumaer Sarangal
Aidan Berlin
Vivian Morris
Christopher Morris
Sophie Gluck - unavailable
Week 2 Lineup: Jan 21, Manor, 5:30 pm, v Smash
Sumaer Sarangal
Vivian Morris
Christopher Morris
Sophie Gluck
Aidan Berlin - unavailable
Week 3 Lineup: Jan 28, Manor, 4 pm, v QO Bears
Sumaer Sarangal - unavailable
Vivian Morris
Christopher Morris
Sophie Gluck
Aidan Berlin
Week 4 Lineup: Feb 3, Wheaton, 6:30 pm, v TC Slice Slingers
Sumaer Sarangal
Vivian Morris
Christopher Morris
Sophie Gluck
Aidan Berlin - unavailable
Week 5: Feb 10, Wheaton, 5 pm, v TC Topspin Titans
Sumaer Sarangal
Vivian Morris
Christopher Morris
SUB Olivia Young
Sophie Gluck - unavailable
Aidan Berlin - unavailable
Week 6: Feb 17
Sumaer Sarangal
Vivian Morris
Christopher Morris
Sophie Gluck
Aidan Berlin - unavailable
Week 7: Feb 25
Sumaer Sarangal
Vivian Morris - on call
Christopher Morris
Sophie Gluck
Aidan Berlin
Week 8: BYE
Week 9: Mar 9
Sumaer Sarangal
Vivian Morris
Christopher Morris - on call
Sophie Gluck
Aidan Berlin
Week 10: Mar 16
Sumaer Sarangal
Vivian Morris
Christopher Morris
Sophie Gluck - unavailable
Aidan Berlin
18U Intermediate - Panther Poachers
Alina Fernandez
Liv Hoffman
Lindsay Kossoff
Lilly Fromer
Penelope Margas
With usually five players on a team, and only four playing positions each match, we rotate players who must sit out each week. When possible we line this up with when you are unavailable to play. You can apply to play as a substitute on another team if you like; bench players have priority to play as a sub.
Coaches will determine the playing order on site.
Week 1 Lineup: Jan 14, Wheaton, 6:30 pm, v QO Bears
Alina Fernandez
Liv Hoffman
Lindsay Kossoff - on call
Penelope Margas
Lilly Fromer
Week 2 Lineup: Jan 20, Wheaton, 6:30 pm, v TC Slice Slingers
Liv Hoffman
Lilly Fromer
Lindsay Kossoff
SUB - Bridget Zimmermann
Penelope Margas - unavailable
Alina Fernandez - unavailable
Week 3 Lineup: Jan 28, Manor, 2:30 pm, v TC Topspin Titans
Alina Fernandez
Liv Hoffman - unavailable
Lilly Fromer
Penelope Margas - ill
Lindsay Kossoff
SUB - Serena Provinse
Week 4 Lineup: BYE
Players are available to sub for other teams.
Week 5: Feb 10, Wheaton, 3:30 pm, v Team Grey
Alina Fernandez
Lindsay Kossoff
Lilly Fromer
Penelope Margas
Liv Hoffman - unavailable
Week 6: Feb 17
None available
Week 7: Feb 24
Alina Fernandez
Lindsay Kossoff
Lilly Fromer - unavailable
Penelope Margas
Liv Hoffman - unavailable
Week 8: Mar 2
Alina Fernandez
Lindsay Kossoff
Lilly Fromer
Penelope Margas - unavailable
Liv Hoffman
Week 9: Mar 9
Alina Fernandez
Lindsay Kossoff - unavailable
Lilly Fromer
Penelope Margas - unavailable
Liv Hoffman
Week 10: Mar 16
Alina Fernandez
Lindsay Kossoff - unavailable
Lilly Fromer
Penelope Margas
Liv Hoffman
18U Intermediate - Baseline Bandits
Bridget Zimmermann
Serena Provinse
Lily Venzke
Isabella Sofia Martelli
Paisley Fromer
With usually five players on a team, and only four playing positions each match, we rotate players who must sit out each week. When possible we line this up with when you are unavailable to play. You can apply to play as a substitute on another team if you like; bench players have priority to play as a sub.
Coaches will determine the playing order on site.
Week 1 Lineup: BYE
Players are available to sub for other teams.
Week 2 Lineup: Jan 20, Wheaton, 6:30 pm, v Team Fink
Bridget Zimmermann - on call
Serena Provinse
Isabella Sofia Martelli
Paisley Fromer
Lily Venzke
Week 3 Lineup: Jan 27, Wheaton, 6:30 pm, v Smash
Bridget Zimmermann
Isabella Sofia Martelli
SUB - Sami Snow
Lily Venzke
Serena Provinse - ill
Paisley Fromer - unavailable
Week 4 Lineup: Feb 3, Manor, 2:30 pm, v QO Bears
Bridget Zimmermann
Isabella Sofia Martelli
SUB - Penelope Margas
SUB - Lindsay Kissoff
Paisley Fromer - unavailable
Serena Provinse - unavailable
Lily Venzke - unavailable
Week 5: Feb 10, Wheaton, 5 pm, v TC Slice Slingers
Bridget Zimmermann
Serena Provinse
Paisley Fromer
Lily Venzke
Isabella Sofia Martelli - on call
Week 6: Feb 17
Bridget Zimmermann - unavailable
SUB Raza Kandel
Serena Provinse - unavailable
Paisley Fromer - unavailable
Lily Venzke - unavailable
Isabella Sofia Martelli
Week 7: Feb 24
Bridget Zimmermann
Serena Provinse
Paisley Fromer - unavailable
Lily Venzke
Isabella Sofia Martelli - unavailable
Week 8: Mar 3
Bridget Zimmermann - on call
Serena Provinse
Paisley Fromer
Lily Venzke
Isabella Sofia Martelli
Week 9: Mar 9
Bridget Zimmermann
Serena Provinse
Paisley Fromer
Lily Venzke - on call
Isabella Sofia Martelli
Week 10: BYE
14U Advanced - Match Mavericks
Alex Yu
Deniz Ozenci
Alexandru Cana
Tiago Eozenou
Jake Snow
With usually five players on a team, and only four playing positions each match, we rotate players who must sit out each week. When possible we line this up with when you are unavailable to play. You can apply to play as a substitute on another team if you like; bench players have priority to play as a sub.
Coaches will determine the playing order on site.
Week 1 Lineup: Jan 14, Wheaton, 5 pm, v QO Bears
Alex Yu
Alexandru Cana
Tiago Eozenou
Jake Snow
Deniz Ozenci - unavailable
Week 2 Lineup: Jan 20, Wheaton, 3:30 pm, v TC Court Commanders
Alexandru Cana - unavailable
Tiago Eozenou
Jake Snow
SUB - Spencer Weiss
SUB - Zander Abramson
Alex Yu - unavailable
Deniz Ozenci - unavailable
Week 3 Lineup: BYE
Players are available to sub for other teams.
Week 4 Lineup: Wheaton, 5 pm, v TC Volley Vipers
Alex Yu
Alexandru Cana
Tiago Eozenou
Deniz Ozenci
Jake Snow - on call
Week 5 Lineup: BYE
Week 6: Feb 17
Alex Yu
Alexandru Cana - unavailable
Tiago Eozenou - unavailable
Deniz Ozenci - unavailable
Jake Snow
Feb 24
Alex Yu
Alexandru Cana - unavailable
Tiago Eozenou - unavailable
Deniz Ozenci
Jake Snow
Feb 25
Alex Yu
Alexandru Cana
Tiago Eozenou - unavailable
Deniz Ozenci
Jake Snow
Week 8: BYE
Week 9: Mar 9
Alex Yu - unavailable
Alexandru Cana
Tiago Eozenou
Deniz Ozenci
Jake Snow
Mar 16
Alex Yu
Alexandru Cana - unavailable
Tiago Eozenou
Deniz Ozenci -
Jake Snow - unavailable
Mar 17
Alex Yu
Alexandru Cana - unavailable
Tiago Eozenou
Deniz Ozenci
Jake Snow
14U Advanced - Grand Slam Gliders
Spencer Weiss
Sophie Beg
Julian Rinaldi
Zander Abramson
Alice Wang
With usually five players on a team, and only four playing positions each match, we rotate players who must sit out each week. When possible we line this up with when you are unavailable to play. You can apply to play as a substitute on another team if you like; bench players have priority to play as a sub.
Coaches will determine the playing order on site.
Week 1 Lineup: Jan 13, Wheaton, 6:30 pm, v TC Volley Vipers
Sophie Beg
Julian Rinaldi
Zander Abramson
Alice Wang
Spencer Weiss - unavailable
Week 2 Lineup: BYE
Players are available to sub for other teams.
Week 3 Lineup: Jan 27, Wheaton, 2 pm, v QO Bears
Spencer Weiss
Sophie Beg
Julian Rinaldi
Zander Abramson - on call
Alice Wang
Week 4 Lineup: Feb 3, Wheaton, 5 pm, v TC Court Commanders
Spencer Weiss
Sophie Beg
Julian Rinaldi
Zander Abramson
Alice Wang - unavailable
Week 5: BYE
Week 6: Feb 17
Spencer Weiss - unavailable
Sophie Beg - unavailable
Julian Rinaldi
Zander Abramson - unavailable
Alice Wang - unavailable
Week 7: Feb 24
Spencer Weiss
Sophie Beg
Julian Rinaldi - on call
Zander Abramson
Alice Wang
Week 8: Mar 2
Spencer Weiss
Sophie Beg
Julian Rinaldi
Zander Abramson
Alice Wang - unavailable
Week 9: Mar 10
Spencer Weiss
Sophie Beg - unavailable
Julian Rinaldi - unavailable
Zander Abramson
Alice Wang - unavailable
Mar 16
Spencer Weiss
Sophie Beg
Julian Rinaldi - on call
Zander Abramson
Alice Wang - on call
Mar 17
Spencer Weiss
Sophie Beg - unavailable
Julian Rinaldi
Zander Abramson
Alice Wang - unavailable
14U Advanced - Volley Vipers
Lara Isler
Lucy Lippard
Elina Ipakchi
Parker Javdan
Vaughn Touw
With usually five players on a team, and only four playing positions each match, we rotate players who must sit out each week. When possible we line this up with when you are unavailable to play. You can apply to play as a substitute on another team if you like; bench players have priority to play as a sub.
Coaches will determine the playing order on site.
Week 1 Lineup: Jan 13, Wheaton, 6:30 pm, v TC Grand Slam Gliders
Lara Isler
Elina Ipakchi
Vaughn Touw
SUB - Emma Choi
Lucy Lippard - unavailable
Parker Javdan - unavailable
Week 2 Lineup: Jan 20, Manor, 1 pm, v QO Bears
Lucy Lippard
Elina Ipakchi
Parker Javdan
Vaughn Touw
Lara Isler - unavailable
Week 3 Lineup: Jan 27, Wheaton, 2 pm, v TC Court Commanders
Lucy Lippard
Elina Ipakchi
Parker Javdan
Lara Isler
Vaughn Touw - unavailable
Week 4 Lineup: Feb 3, Wheaton, 5 pm, v TC Match Mavericks
Lucy Lippard
Parker Javdan
Lara Isler
Vaughn Touw
Elina Ipakchi - on call
Week 5: BYE
Week 6: BYE
Feb 24
Lucy Lippard
Parker Javdan
Lara Isler - unavailable
Vaughn Touw - unavailable
Elina Ipakchi
Feb 25
Lucy Lippard
Parker Javdan - on call
Lara Isler
Vaughn Touw
Elina Ipakchi
Week 8: Mar 2
Lucy Lippard
Parker Javdan
Lara Isler
Vaughn Touw
Elina Ipakchi - on call
Week 9: Mar 9
Lucy Lippard - on call
Parker Javdan
Lara Isler
Vaughn Touw
Elina Ipakchi
Week 10: Mar 17
Lucy Lippard
Parker Javdan
Lara Isler
Vaughn Touw
Elina Ipakchi - unavailable
14U Advanced - Court Commanders
Emma Choi
Beatriz Pilotti
Lila Briskin Watson
Cornelia Touw
Annie Lippard
With usually five players on a team, and only four playing positions each match, we rotate players who must sit out each week. When possible we line this up with when you are unavailable to play. You can apply to play as a substitute on another team if you like; bench players have priority to play as a sub.
Coaches will determine the playing order on site.
Week 1: BYE
Week 2: Jan 20, Wheaton, 3:30 pm, v TC Match Mavericks
Beatriz Pilotti
Lila Briskin Watson
Cornelia Touw
Annie Lippard
Emma Choi - on call
Week 3: Jan 27, Wheaton, 2 pm, v TC Volley Vipers
Emma Choi
Lila Briskin Watson
Annie Lippard
Beatriz Pilotti
Cornelia Touw - unavailable
Week 4: Feb 3, Wheaton, 5 pm, v TC Grand Slam Gliders
Emma Choi
Beatriz Pilotti
Lila Briskin Watson
Cornelia Touw
Annie Lippard - on call
Week 5: BYE
Week 6: Feb 17
Emma Choi - unavailable
Beatriz Pilotti - unavailable
Lila Briskin Watson
Cornelia Touw
Annie Lippard - unavailable
SUB Vaughn Touw
SUB Elina Ipakchi
Week 7: Feb 25
Emma Choi - unavailable
Beatriz Pilotti
Lila Briskin Watson
Cornelia Touw
Annie Lippard
Week 8: Mar 2
Emma Choi
Beatriz Pilotti
Lila Briskin Watson - on call
Cornelia Touw
Annie Lippard
Week 9: Mar 10
Emma Choi
Beatriz Pilotti
Lila Briskin Watson
Cornelia Touw - unavailable
Annie Lippard
Week 10: Mar 16
Emma Choi
Beatriz Pilotti
Lila Briskin Watson
Cornelia Touw
Annie Lippard - unavailable
14U Intermediate - Smash Squad
Noor Poshni
Lena Cole
Lulu Wachs
Vivian LoCascio
Emmy Serchuk
Sydney Lee (Alternate)
With usually five players on a team, and only four playing positions each match, we rotate players who must sit out each week. When possible we line this up with when you are unavailable to play. You can apply to play as a substitute on another team if you like; bench players have priority to play as a sub.
Coaches will determine the playing order on site.
Week 1 Lineup: BYE
Players are available to sub for other teams.
Week 2 Lineup: Jan 20, Lakewood, 7:30 pm, v Rockets
Lena Cole
Lulu Wachs
Vivian LoCascio
Emmy Serchuk
Noor Poshni - on call
Sydney Lee (Alternate) - on call
Week 3 Lineup: Jan 28, Wheaton, 5 pm, v Team Plex
Lena Cole
Noor Poshni
Lulu Wachs
Vivian LoCascio
Emmy Serchuk - on call
Sydney Lee (Alternate) - on call
Week 4 Lineup: Feb 3, Wheaton, 3:30 pm, v Blue
Lena Cole
Noor Poshni
Lulu Wachs
Emmy Serchuk
Vivian LoCascio - on call
Sydney Lee (Alternate) - on call
Week 5: Feb 10, Lakewood, 8 pm, v Lakewood
Lena Cole
Noor Poshni
Emmy Serchuk
Vivian LoCascio
Lulu Wachs - on call
Sydney Lee (Alternate) - on call
Week 6: Feb 18
Lena Cole - unavailable
Noor Poshni
Emmy Serchuk
Vivian LoCascio - unavailable
Lulu Wachs - unavailable
Sydney Lee - unavailable
SUB Andrew Liu
SUB Lina Weigold
Week 7: Feb 24
Lena Cole
Noor Poshni
Emmy Serchuk
Vivian LoCascio
Lulu Wachs - unavailable
Sydney Lee - on call
Week 8: BYE
Week 9: Mar 10
Lena Cole
Noor Poshni
Emmy Serchuk - on call
Vivian LoCascio
Lulu Wachs
Sydney Lee - on call
Week 10: Mar 16
Lena Cole
Noor Poshni - on calll
Emmy Serchuk
Vivian LoCascio
Lulu Wachs
Sydney Lee - on call
14U Intermediate - Ace Avengers
Jordan Kanski
Sundari Kakar
Andrew Liu
Lina Weigold
Jonah Gluck
Samuel Frankel (Alternate)
With usually five players on a team, and only four playing positions each match, we rotate players who must sit out each week. When possible we line this up with when you are unavailable to play. You can apply to play as a substitute on another team if you like; bench players have priority to play as a sub.
Coaches will determine the playing order on site.
Week 1 Lineup: Jan 14, Lakewood, 7:30 pm, v Rockets
Jordan Kanski
Lina Weigold
SUB - Sydney Lee
SUB - Bruns
Sundari Kakar - unavailable
Andrew Liu - unavailable
Jonah Gluck - unavailable
Samuel Frankel (Alternate) - unavailable
Week 2 Lineup: Jan 20, Wheaton, 5 pm, v Team Plex
Jordan Kanski - unavailable
Sundari Kakar
Andrew Liu
Jonah Gluck
Lina Weigold - unavailable
Samuel Frankel (Alternate)
Week 3 Lineup: Jan 27, Wheaton, 5 pm, v Blue
Jordan Kanski
Andrew Liu
Lina Weigold
Jonah Gluck
Sundari Kakar - unavailable
Samuel Frankel (Alternate) - on call
Week 4 Lineup: Feb 4, Lakewood, 6 pm, v Lakewood
Jordan Kanski
Sundari Kakar
Lina Weigold
Jonah Gluck
Andrew Liu - unavailable
Samuel Frankel (Alternate) - on call
Week 5: Feb 10, Manor, 1 pm, v MN14U
Jordan Kanski
Sundari Kakar
Lina Weigold
Jonah Gluck - on call
Andrew Liu
Samuel Frankel (Alternate) - on call
Week 6: BYE
Week 7: Feb 24
Jordan Kanski - unavailable
Sundari Kakar
Lina Weigold
Jonah Gluck
Andrew Liu
Samuel Frankel - on call
Week 8: Mar 2
Jordan Kanski
Sundari Kakar
Lina Weigold
Jonah Gluck
Andrew Liu - on call
Samuel Frankel - on call
Week 9: Mar 9
Jordan Kanski
Sundari Kakar
Lina Weigold - on call
Jonah Gluck
Andrew Liu
Samuel Frankel - unavailable
Week 10: Mar 16
Jordan Kanski - unavailable
Sundari Kakar
Lina Weigold
Jonah Gluck - unavailable
Andrew Liu
Samuel Frankel - unavailable
12U Advanced - Rally Raptors
Ellory Busman
Finn Koski
Max Mackoul
Shannon Bu
Neel Arora
With usually five players on a team, and only four playing positions each match, we rotate players who must sit out each week. When possible we line this up with when you are unavailable to play. You can apply to play as a substitute on another team if you like; bench players have priority to play as a sub.
Coaches will determine the playing order on site.
Week 1: Jan 14, Wheaton, 2 pm, v Hotshots
Ellory Busman
Max Mackoul
Shannon Bu
SUB - Lara Dabney
Neel Arora - unavailable
Finn Koski - unavailable
Week 2: Jan 20, Wheaton, 3:30 pm, v TC Smashinators
Ellory Busman
Finn Koski
Max Mackoul
Shannon Bu
Neel Arora - unavailable
Week 3: Jan 27, Wheaton, 3:30 pm, v QO Bears
Ellory Busman
Finn Koski
Shannon Bu
Neel Arora
Max Mackoul - on call
Week 4: Feb 4, Wheaton, 2 pm, v TC Deuce Destroyers
Ellory Busman
Finn Koski
Max Mackoul
Neel Arora
Shannon Bu - on call
Week 5: Feb 10, Wheaton, 2 pm, v QO Bears 2
Finn Koski
Max Mackoul - unavailable
Shannon Bu
Neel Arora - unavailable
Ellory Busman
Week 6: Feb 18
Ellory Busman
Finn Koski
Max Mackoul
Shannon Bu - unavailable
Neel Arora
Week 7: Feb 25
Ellory Busman
Finn Koski - unavailable
Max Mackoul
Shannon Bu
Neel Arora
Week 8: Mar 2
Ellory Busman
Finn Koski
Max Mackoul
Shannon Bu
Neel Arora - unavailable
Week 9: Mar 10
Ellory Busman - on call
Finn Koski
Max Mackoul
Shannon Bu
Neel Arora
Week 10: BYE
12U Advanced - Deuce Destroyers
Ethan Massay
Bohan Jin
William Hedrick
Egor Shelest
Razi Dinan
With usually five players on a team, and only four playing positions each match, we rotate players who must sit out each week. When possible we line this up with when you are unavailable to play. You can apply to play as a substitute on another team if you like; bench players have priority to play as a sub.
Coaches will determine the playing order on site.
Week 1: Jan 13, Wheaton, 2 pm, v TC Smashinators
Ethan Massay
Bohan Jin
William Hedrick
Egor Shelest
Razi Dinan - on call
Week 2: Jan 21, Wheaton, 3:30 pm, v QO Bears 2
Ethan Massay
William Hedrick
Egor Shelest
Razi Dinan
Bohan Jin - on call
Week 3: Jan 27, Wheaton, 5 pm, v Hotshots
Ethan Massay
Bohan Jin
Egor Shelest
Razi Dinan
William Hedrick - on call
Week 4: Feb 4, Wheaton, 2 pm, v TC Rally Raptors
Bohan Jin
William Hedrick
Egor Shelest
Razi Dinan
Ethan Massay - on call
Week 5: Feb 10, Manor, 2:30 pm, v QO Bears
Ethan Massay
Bohan Jin
William Hedrick
Razi Dinan
Egor Shelest - on call
Week 6: Feb 17
Ethan Massay
Bohan Jin
William Hedrick - unavailable
Razi Dinan
Egor Shelest - unavailable
Week 7: Feb 24
Ethan Massay
Bohan Jin
William Hedrick
Razi Dinan - on call
Egor Shelest
Week 8: Mar 3
Ethan Massay
Bohan Jin - on call
William Hedrick
Razi Dinan
Egor Shelest
Week 9: Mar 10
Ethan Massay - on call
Bohan Jin
William Hedrick
Razi Dinan
Egor Shelest
Week 10: BYE
12U Advanced - Smashinators
Shiloh Auzoux
Lara Dabney
Siena Auzoux
Vincent Finisdore
With usually three to four players on a team, and only three playing positions each match, we rotate players who must sit out each week. When possible we line this up with when you are unavailable to play. You can apply to play as a substitute on another team if you like; bench players have priority to play as a sub.
Coaches will determine the playing order on site.
Week 1: Jan 13, Wheaton, 2 pm, v TC Deuce Destroyers
Shiloh Auzoux
Siena Auzoux
Vincent Finisdore
Lara Dabney
Week 2: Jan 20, Wheaton, 3:30 pm, v TC Rally Raptors
Shiloh Auzoux
Lara Dabney - unavailable
Siena Auzoux
Vincent Finisdore - unavailable
SUB - Bohan Jin
SUB - Zaki Rajkumar
Week 3: Jan 27, Wheaton, 3:30 pm, v QO Bears 2
Shiloh Auzoux
Siena Auzoux
SUB - Max Mackoul
SUB - Ethan Massey
Vincent Finisdore - unavailable
Lara Dabney - unavailable
Week 4: Feb 4, Manor, 2:30 pm, v QO Bears
Shiloh Auzoux
Lara Dabney
Siena Auzoux
SUB - Ethan Massey
Vincent Finisdore - injured
Week 5: Feb 10, Wheaton, 6:30 pm, v Hotshots
Shiloh Auzoux
Siena Auzoux
SUB Ethan Massey
SUB Razi Dinan
Vincent Finisdore - injured
Lara Dabney - unavailable
Week 6: Feb 17
Shiloh Auzoux
Lara Dabney
Siena Auzoux
SUB - Ellory Busman
Vincent Finisdore - injured
Week 7: Feb 25
Shiloh Auzoux
Lara Dabney
Siena Auzoux
Vincent Finisdore - injured
Week 8: Mar 2
Shiloh Auzoux
Lara Dabney
Siena Auzoux
Vincent Finisdore - injured
Week 9: Mar 9
Shiloh Auzoux
Lara Dabney - unavailable
Siena Auzoux
Vincent Finisdore - injured
Week 10: BYE
12U Rookie - Hitting Hulks
Krishna Fox
Altan Gulluoglu
Yasmine Mallouf
Sam (Alternate)
With usually three to four players on a team, and only three playing positions each match, we rotate players who must sit out each week. When possible we line this up with when you are unavailable to play. You can apply to play as a substitute on another team if you like; bench players have priority to play as a sub.
Coaches will determine the playing order on site.
Week 1: BYE
Week 2: Jan 21, Manor, 4 pm, v TC Tennis Titans
Krishna Fox
Altan Gulluoglu
Sam (Alternate)
Yasmine Mallouf - unavailable
Week 3: Jan 27, Manor, 5:30 pm, v Team Plex
Krishna Fox
Altan Gulluoglu
SUB - Mason Woodard
Yasmine Mallouf - unavailable
Sam (Alternate) - unavailable
Week 4: BYE
Week 5: Feb 10, Manor, 5:30 pm, v TC Tennis Titans
Krishna Fox - on call
Altan Gulluoglu
Yasmine Mallouf
Sam (Alternate)
Week 6: Feb 17
Krishna Fox - unavailable
Altan Gulluoglu
Yasmine Mallouf
Feb 24
Krishna Fox
Altan Gulluoglu
Yasmine Mallouf
Sam - unavailable
Feb 25
Krishna Fox
Altan Gulluoglu
Yasmine Mallouf - unavailable
Week 8: Mar 2
Krishna Fox
Altan Gulluoglu
Sam - unavailable
Yasmine Mallouf
Week 9: BYE
Week 10: Mar 16
Krishna Fox
Altan Gulluoglu
Yasmine Mallouf
Sam - unavailable
12U Rookie - TC Tennis Titans
Brighid Shove-Brown
Rhett Dove
Everette Xue
Sarah Saleh (Alternate)
With usually three to four players on a team, and only three playing positions each match, we rotate players who must sit out each week. When possible we line this up with when you are unavailable to play. You can apply to play as a substitute on another team if you like; bench players have priority to play as a sub.
Coaches will determine the playing order on site.
Week 1: Jan 13, Wheaton, 2 pm, v Team Plex
Brighid Shove-Brown
Rhett Dove
Everette Xue
Sarah Saleh (Alternate) - unavailable
Week 2: Jan 21, Manor, 4 pm, v TC Hitting Hulks
Brighid Shove-Brown
Rhett Dove
Everette Xue
Sarah Saleh (Alternate) - on call
Week 3: BYE
Week 4: Feb 3, Wheaton, 2 pm, v Team Plex
Brighid Shove-Brown
Rhett Dove
Everette Xue
Sarah Saleh (Alternate) - unavailable
Week 5: Feb 10, Manor, 5:30 pm, v TC Hitting Hulks
Brighid Shove-Brown
Rhett Dove - unavailable
Everette Xue
Sarah Saleh
10U Int/Adv - Green Gladiators
Emily Green
Jacqueline (JP) Smith
Mason Woodard
Aras Gulluglou
Austin Johnson (Alternate)
Week 1: Jan 13, Wheaton, 3:30 pm, v MN10U
Week 2: Jan 21, Wheaton, 5 pm, v Net Ninjas
Week 3: Jan 27, Lakewood, 6 pm, v Lakewood
Week 4: Feb 4, Manor, 5:30 pm, v MN10U
Week 5: Feb 11, Wheaton, 2 pm, v Net Ninjas
With usually three to four players on a team, and only three playing positions each match, we rotate players who must sit out each week. When possible we line this up with when you are unavailable to play. You can apply to play as a substitute on another team if you like; bench players have priority to play as a sub.
Coaches will determine the playing order on site.
Week 1: Jan 13, Wheaton, 3:30 pm, v MN10U
Mason Woodard
SUB - Yasmine Malouf
SUB - Ayan
Emily Green - unavailable
Jacqueline (JP) Smith - unavailable
Aras Gulluglou - unavailable
Austin Johnson (Alternate) - unavailable
Week 2: Jan 21, Wheaton, 5 pm, v Net Ninjas
Emily Green
Jacqueline (JP) Smith
Mason Woodard
Aras Gulluglou - on call
Austin Johnson (Alternate) - on call
Week 3: Jan 27, Lakewood, 6 pm, v Lakewood
Emily Green
Aras Gulluglou
Austin Johnson
Jacqueline (JP) Smith - unavailable
Mason Woodard - on call
Week 4: Feb 4, Manor, 5:30 pm, v MN10U
Emily Green
Mason Woodard
Aras Gulluglou
Jacqueline (JP) Smith - on call
Austin Johnson (Alternate) - on call
Week 5: Feb 11, Wheaton, 2 pm, v Net Ninjas
Emily Green
Jacqueline (JP) Smith
Aras Gulluglou
Austin Johnson
Mason Woodard - unavailable
10U Rookie - Tennis Tornadoes
Gigi Rossi
Oliver Ju-En Lin
Zoe Cana
Ariana Hornberger
Week 1: Jan 13, Wheaton, 5 pm, v TC Racquet Rascals
Week 2: Jan 20, Wheaton, 2 pm, v Team Plex A
Week 3: Jan 28, Wheaton, 3:30 pm, v Team Plex B
Week 4: Feb 4, Manor, 1 pm, v TC Racquet Rascals
With usually three to four players on a team, and only three playing positions each match, we rotate players who must sit out each week. When possible we line this up with when you are unavailable to play. You can apply to play as a substitute on another team if you like; bench players have priority to play as a sub.
Coaches will determine the playing order on site.
Week 1: Jan 13, Wheaton, 5 pm, v TC Racquet Rascals
Gigi Rossi - unavailable
Oliver Ju-En Lin
Zoe Cana
Ariana Hornberger
Week 2: Jan 20, Wheaton, 2 pm, v Team Plex A
Gigi Rossi
Oliver Ju-En Lin
Zoe Cana - on call
Ariana Hornberger
Week 3: Jan 28, Wheaton, 3:30 pm, v Team Plex B
Gigi Rossi
Oliver Ju-En Lin
Ariana Hornberger - on call
Zoe Cana
Week 4: Feb 4, Manor, 1 pm, v TC Racquet Rascals
Gigi Rossi
Zoe Cana
Ariana Hornberger
Oliver Ju-En Lin - on call
Week 5: BYE
10U Rookie - Racquet Rascals
Sophia Burke
Anusha Patel
Brielle Auzoux
Sari Saleh (Alternate)
Week 1: Jan 13, Wheaton, 5 pm, v TC Tennis Tornadoes
Week 2: Jan 20, Wheaton, 2 pm, v Team Plex B
Week 3: Jan 28, Wheaton, 2 pm, v Team Plex A
Week 4: Feb 4, Manor, 1 pm, v TC Tennis Tornadoes
With usually three to four players on a team, and only three playing positions each match, we rotate players who must sit out each week. When possible we line this up with when you are unavailable to play. You can apply to play as a substitute on another team if you like; bench players have priority to play as a sub.
Coaches will determine the playing order on site.
Week 1: Jan 13, Wheaton, 5 pm, v TC Tennis Tornadoes
Sophia Burke
Brielle Auzoux
SUB - Philip Malouf
Sari Saleh (Alternate) - unavailable
Anusha Patel - unavailable
Week 2: Jan 20, Wheaton, 2 pm, v Team Plex B
Sophia Burke
Anusha Patel
Brielle Auzoux
Sari Saleh (Alternate) - unavailable
Week 3: Jan 28, Wheaton, 2 pm, v Team Plex A
Sophia Burke
Anusha Patel
Brielle Auzoux
Sari Saleh (Alternate) - on call
Week 4: Feb 4, Manor, 1 pm, v TC Tennis Tornadoes
Sophia Burke
Anusha Patel
Brielle Auzoux
Sari Saleh (Alternate) - on call
Week 5: BYE